An up and comer trying to make a name for herself...
KYLIE never expected to be stuck on a tour bus with a pampered princess and her boyfriend’s ex.
A troubled artist struggling to hold onto his career...
TRACE thought he was finally getting to do things his way. Until the label added co-headliner Gretchen Gibson, the only person in country music with more issues than him, to his No Apologies tour.
Surrounded by tabloid rumors and people they can't trust, Kylie and Trace need each other more than ever. But the choices they make will change everything.
Because chasing your dreams and following your heart don’t always lead you to the same place…
Erica's Review:
I love Kylie and Trace so much. Girl on Tour was even better for me than Girl with Guitar, and that’s saying something because I loved Girl with Guitar. This book dives a little deeper into both Kylie and Trace’s relationship and their individual personalities. In Girl with Guitar Kylie is a young, innocent, naïve girl and I definitely saw her grow in Girl on Tour, but with that growth came a lot of growing pains.

Kylie and Trace’s relationship is new in Girl on Tour. The book shows them in that honeymoon “new” stage (the prologue is AMAZING), but it also shows them struggle with the newness of their relationship and the fact that they are both juggling demanding careers that seem to do nothing but pull them farther and farther away from each other. The love is there. No question about that. But relationships take work and when you don’t have the time to do the work…relationships crumble. Especially, when you fall in love with an older, more experienced, flawed man that is fighting his own demons. For Trace, Kylie is his demon fighter, so when she’s not there he fights the urge to fall into his old habits.
Kylie was still the strong character I loved in Girl with Guitar. That girl fights for what she believes in and who she loves. She shows a little bit of vulnerability in this book, because she loves Trace so desperately. We’ve all been there. She’s always wanted her career, but Trace is a curveball for her. For once, she wants something (someone) more than she wants her long sought after dreams.
I was chatting online with Caisey Quinn about a celebrity couple that called it quits recently and her exact words to me were, “I feel bad for them, at the end of the day a career won’t love you...” Girl in Love spoilers? I don’t know, but definitely some words of wisdom.
It was a bittersweet ride for me to the end of Girl on Tour. It doesn’t end with hearts and flowers, but, honestly, I would have been rolling my eyes if it did. The ending is perfect for their journey and I’m completely satisfied with it. This is a 3 book series and I’m 100% confident that we’ll get the ending we want in Girl in Love and it will be well worth the wait. I feel THAT good about it. Plus, I personally feel like what happens at the end happens out of love.
“I’ll always come back.” No matter how many times you push me away.
My favorite thing about Caisey Quinn is how fluid her writing is. She doesn’t jumble up her stories with fluff and I LOVE that. She throws a little wit in with the serious and a little wisdom in with the mistakes and it’s flat-out addicting. Get ready for a heartwarming, heart-stealing, heart-pounding, heartbreaking ride because Girl on Tour played such a wicked game with my heart and I loved every minute! This is truly an amazing series. I can't wait to see where Kylie and Trace's journey leads next.
**Just a little reading tip (and small confession)…these books are good all on their own, but try imagining Luke Bryan as Trace…it makes them 10x’s better! I know, I know, Luke’s a little too old. Blah, Blah…NO he’s perfect. He’s Trace. Trust me. Picture a young Luke. Although I think he looks just fine as is. ;)**
My Rating: 5 stars!

Caisey Quinn lives in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband, daughter, and other assorted animals. She is the author of several New Adult Romance novels featuring country girls finding love in unexpected places. She is currently working on Girl in Love, the third and final book in the Kylie Ryans series.
You can find her online at:
Great review Erica! Loved GoT! :)