**Please don't read this review unless you have read Come Undone (The Cityscape Series #1) because there will be major spoilers in this review if you have not read the first book yet. My review of Come Undone (The Cityscape Series #1). Also, here is my review of Come Alive (The Cityscape Series #2).
"You and I are going to have fun."
"Tonight. This weekend. Forever," he said.
Good things come to those who wait! This book pulled me in just like the other two books. Maybe even more because I was so ready for David and Liv's story to really start. Come Alive was incredible and probably my favorite book in the series, but this book really gave it a run for it's money. This one isn't as angsty as the other two, but it still messed with my head a little. It picks up right where Come Alive left off (yay!). I did find myself feeling the repercussions of Liv's actions. It was bittersweet (mostly sweet hehe). It was also WAY sexier! What I love most about this series is not only the angst but the build up. The character development made David and Liv's relationship that much more intense, and that's what I thrive for in a book. I want build up and not just sex. Let me tell you, I was wound up so tight in this relationship that I couldn't pick up another book for a day after I read it!
"This will get better, won't it?" I asked. "Easier?"
"Yes." He paused, stroking my hair. "But until it does, you have me. Let me have some of the hurt."
Another aspect that I really liked was the fact that both characters had a conscience. They weren't out to maliciously hurt Bill (even though they did). They weren't okay with how things played out. Liv felt guilty. They knew it was wrong, but the temptation blinded them. Hindsight is 20/20.
So, part of the book is focused on them figuring out how to move forward in their relationship and leave the guilt behind. Liv didn't want to be callous to Bill, but she desperately needed David. NEEDED. I truly think that she needed him because he played a huge role in helping her mature and find happiness for herself. He tore down her walls and took on her fears. David is without a doubt one of the most magnetic male characters I've read about in awhile. I was crazy about him. Not everyone in the book was as crazy about him as me though. A couple of friends turned their backs on the happy couple...
"Maybe we are trashy sluts," Gretchen put in. "But I'd rather be that than an annoying, judgmental bitch."
But Liv had Gretchen!! That's all that mattered. Gretchen was the best. Actually, her love life got a little attention in this book, and I wanted more! I was satisfied with how everything ended up on her end though. Anyways, some people were not so happy with Liv and David. I, however, thought that everything ended up the way it was supposed to. Bill does a few things in this book that made me not feel as sorry for him as I did originally. In the end, I realize being in his position would be a very difficult spot to be in, and maybe his reactions throughout the book weren't as crazy as I want to think they are. The thing is... I think Bill deserves a HEA too, and I don't believe that Liv ever was his HEA.
Ultimately, this was an incredible conclusion to an addictive series. I loved it and devoured it. It's a tad longer than the other two books, but it was needed for this relationship. There was one little thing that Liv did in the end that bothered me a little. I don't want to say what it was... It's not like it was something awful. It's actually something that's pretty normal for some people. I just wasn't crazy about how it was handled because I wasn't 100% sure that David was okay with the decision. It made me sad that he could be giving up something he truly wanted. He was an adult though and seemed happy with his decision. That one little thing is the reason I'm giving it 4.5 stars instead of 5 though. I'm a selfish little thing. You give me a HEA, and I still want more!! Haha. All joking aside, it did have a nice ending. It ended on real note which seemed appropriate since this series never shied away from the realness of relationships, mistakes, and heartbreak. I ADORED IT!!
Other books in the series
Come Undone (The Cityscape series #1)
Come Together (The Cityscape series #2)
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